Tuesday, March 30, 2010
oh, I forgot to mention.
The other day I was looking through some pictures from this place...
I know Tall Timbers may not sound like the best place to hang around all summer, but it's one of my favorite places to visit and maybe spend a week or a month there. hah.
Basically, my family grew up going to this place. My grandparents bought property when their children were quite young and it has been a place for my family to gather ever since.
While visiting over the years, I got to know my family pretty well. I also got to know the friends of my cousin and those some of people make up some of my really good friends today.
One summer, I decided to work there with my cousin, Jessica, and her friend, Alyssa. It was defiantly an experience to remember. In a matter of 6 weeks, we all went through laughing until we were all in pain, shaving cream fights, late night walks/swims, making new friends, playing random board games, drama, dressing up, river rafting, and so much more.
Sadly, since then it has changed. Rather, the people there have changed. Some people have just stopped visiting, others have just changed from over the years. I have always had this picture of Tall Timbers in my head of a place to escape from my life for a while. To let go of my worries and just try to have a good time. I believe it still is, just in a different way. I will still be excited to go there and see the familiar faces. I will still look forward to swinging on the swings with Jessica, staying up late and just sitting around with friends, Carly freaking out about the boys shes in like with, doing the time warp, and a lot more.
Tall Timbers still means a lot to me even though I only visited twice last summer.
I am really hoping my mom will let me go there by myself, I doubt it, but I can at least hope. I really miss the atmosphere there and the way I can see a lot of my favorite people at once.
I mean, I don't know how often my favorite people I am going to see though. I heard my aunt is selling her property. My grandparents are in NC now, who knows if they are coming back. But somehow, the rest of the family and friends there might make it work. Or so I hope.
It's hard to describe everything that has happened with Tall Timbers. I just know I wouldn't be the same without it today.

Sunday, March 28, 2010
A rant about reality TV shows..
I have noticed in the past few years, that reality TV shows have become extremely popular...for reasons that I am unaware of.
I must admit, I do watch a few myself such as; America's Top Model and Picture This! which is based on photography. But the only reasons I watch those shows is to see the concepts, the directing, the lighting, the placement, of photography. How the photographers work with their subjects to get the best shots, how they go about editing, etc. I don't watch it for the pleasure of the drama and watching people cry. I don't watch it for their annoying rants about each other. I watch it because of my hobby/soon to be career.
Here is an example of a show that does nothing but piss me off; Sweet 16.
Now, in American culture, the 16th birthday is a big deal (for most people) but most (probably all) of these girls are the most spoiled brats I have ever seen. They go around flaunting their popularity and their money just to impress people are get an hour of air time. They take their parents as push overs and end up getting whatever they please. They wave around thank you's, hugs, and kisses, but I am pretty sure they don't appreciate what they have. They are lost within the depths of the materialistic world they were brought up in.
I saw one girl go on a rampage for a hour just because she didn't get her Dunkin Donuts in the morning. I saw another bitch at her mom because of not getting a dress that was past her spending limit. Obviously, they haven't learned how to appreciate life yet.
The other shows where they take a whole bunch of rich kids and stick them all in a house together are quite ridiculous as well. These people are getting paid to live in a huge house with a bunch of strangers and cause drama for America's entertainment. I mean, who knows if these shows are actually "reality" or are some of them pre-planned.
I rather not sit down to watch a program about girls bitch fighting over a guy, making out scenes, lies, drama, drinking, sex, etc. It just doesn't appeal to me and I can never see it appealing to me. I don't understand why it appeals to others. All those people do is whine and all of the sudden everyone loves them and everyone wants to be them.
It's one thing to have a tv show with a plot and actors who are willing to try their best to entertain their audiences. It's another thing to stick a camera crew in other people's lives and call it entertainment. Most of the time, I feel as if these people are doing this for the attention and sympathy from others...
A lot of these shows just happen to be on MTV.
And I have a question, what the freak happened to MTV?
It's called Music Television, correct?
Well most of it now are these reality shows, dating shows, and whatever music happens to end up on it sucks!
I think that it should be renamed to... WHNGMAMBNWHSRSTV
And that stands for...We Have No Good Music Anymore But Now We Have Stupid Reality Shows Television.
: ]
Here is what I propose...
We take all of those people who think life is filled with diamonds, shopping, sex, and drama and throw them all in a soup kitchen for lets say...a few months. Let them see what the other side of life is going through and hopefully slap them all with a bit of actual reality. Go figure.
I think that once they appreciate what they have, they will be better people, and they will be less annoying.
That's just my opinion though, you don't have to listen to me.
On a lighter note, I saw the movie, "The Blind Side" today and it was amazing.
I recommend it to anyone.
I finally finished my video for my Time Movement and Narrative class and it can be viewed on my facebook here: CLICK!
&&& Here is a video of Reel Big Fish doing a cover of one of my favorite Operation Ivy songs....
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I have crazy dreams and I think I've figured out what I want to do with my life.

To the right is the coolest cake I've ever seen. If you know, someone made this for me for my birthday or wedding, that would be amazing!
Okay so, this morning, I had a weird dream.
I went with Jolene, Kathryn, and a few other people to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the theater here. But, before the show started, Frankenfurter came on stage and told us we had to get our invitations out of our mail box to be allowed to see the show. Conveniently, our mail boxes were moved to the theater and I went to retrieve my invitation. Along with the invitation, I found a note from some guy telling me he kidnapped my sister and he wanted to meet me somewhere to collect his ransom.
Furious, I walked over to where the guy was and he pretty much was holding Melanie in a head lock. He was about to tell me what he wanted when I thought of the idea of distracting him. So, I took out my camera, blinded him with my flash, and got a picture of him as well. He demanded the camera and forgot about his ransom because he knew a picture was taken of him. I secretly took out the memory card, put it in my pocket, then handed him my camera. He destroyed it on the spot and gave me Melanie.
Once we knew we were safe, we went back to watch the play. I just witnessed something I thought I never would and I was in no mood to do the Time Warp. I was about to leave when I spotted Melanie's kidnapper and remembered I had my memory card in my pocket. I got up to leave with Melanie to report this guy, then I woke up...a few seconds before my alarm went off.
I just thought I should share that, it was somewhat interesting.
Another thought today.
During Photo History, I was contemplating what I really wanted to do with photography as a career.
I have decided a while ago that I love taking portraits and I would love to work in a studio.
Today, I have decided that, despite the fact that I wanted to change my minor about 2303498 times, journalism is a good minor me. This is because lately, I have become interested in documentary photography. Some of the people that influenced me in this area are, Tom Stone, Walker Evans, Dorthea Lange, and Melissa Lyttle. I have decided I really want to get to know my subjects while photographing them (and/or their lives in general) I want my subjects and I to be comfortable around each other and for my subjects to be completely natural in their settings.
Another thing I want to do for a side project, is work with bands. Go figure.
That's another area of photography I can't resist. I love emphasizing on the way fingers move on instruments and how bands and audiences react to each other.
Putting my two favorite things together, music and photography, would make my job more enjoyable than I already intend it to be.
So, yeah, those are three areas of photography I really want to focus on. I can even put two together like music and studio or music and documentary photography. Hopefully, my future turns out to be a good one.
But for now, I may be over thinking it a bit. ^.^
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
It's about time...
Saturday, March 20, 2010
I think I have a weird obsession with being happy.
Yesterday, I attempting filming some footage for my video and my mom and Ryan came to visit.
I love getting visitors.
I love walking around town and campus with them.
Seeing Ryan made me incredibly happy. I love just holding his hand and enjoying the beautiful weather with him. I felt happy.
I also loved seeing my mom, she's really great. She just doesn't believe me when I tell her how amazing she is.
Today, I ran outside for the first time this semester. It was such an easy going and wonderful run. If I wasn't short on time, I would have probably ran for longer than I did.
My dad and Felecia visited today.
I took them to Brunch at the cafe, what an adventure. Good thing my cafe isn't any bigger because they would have gotten lost in a matter of seconds.
We walked around campus, I showed them the gallery, then they went for a walk so I can film.
I felt bad tho because it took me 2 and a half hours to film. I hope my dad and Felecia at least got a little entertainment out of it while they were watching. It was entertaining for the whole cast and me the whole entire time.
After that, my dad, Felecia and I went to eat at Caz Pizza. I was really trying to have a good time, but my dad kept bring up how Melanie is depressed, how she hates John, and how she doesn't want to live with my mom anymore. Way to brighten things up...
I suppose with every good day, there are those few minor flaws...
After dinner, I went to go take some "old pictures" with Chaz, Brian, Helena, and Aaron. It was quite the picture we took. Brian and Aaron dressed in dresses while Helena, Chaz and I dressed in ganster attire. I only wish I made a better face.

When that adventure was over, I headed over to the drag show with Jolene, Johnna, Kathryn, and whoeverJohnnasfriendwas.
It was an interesting experience...and I don't think I will go to a drag show again.
Thennn the comedian! He was pretty funny. He told a lot of jokes I could relate to which made it even funnier. I also heard my laugh echo all over the freakin lecture hall. bahh.
I planned to go to the mall tomorrow. But since my mom is incredibly good at guilt trips and John has yet to visit me to see my picture in the gallery, I decided to stay here so him and his mom could visit. It's just the way my family works, I suppose...

Thursday, March 18, 2010
I smell Spring!
Salt and Pepper
Originally uploaded by Jouko van der Kruijssen
silly studio classes.
I think I appreciate Spring more in college than i ever have before.
I am not quite sure why.
Maybe it's because I don't travel much here (lack of car) so I can't escape winter madness, college is a new experience so a lot moments of of these past few semesters seemed to drag on, and I am stuck inside and in the darkroom a lot where I don't see the sun for hours.
Now, I am happy I don't have to wear 7 layers of clothes to keep warm and that soon I will be able to sit on the quad again and read a good book (& hopefully, I won't get hit with a baseball)
I love wearing capris again and feeling the sun on my back.
I love walking through campus with my Blues Brothers shades and not caring what anyone thinks.
I love knowing that school will be over soon and I will be spending the summer working, doing things i love, going to concerts, road trips, and spending time with Ryan.
I love knowing that soon I will go back to Tall Timbers and see my family again.
I love leaving my window open and waking up in the morning to the smell of spring air.
I love a lot of things, apparently.
But, I also think that I appreciate things a lot more since I've been in college.
I also think that I've learned to accept change a bit more and accept the fact that life goes on, friends come and go, but the memories will always remain.
One more thing, if you're not happy, it's not worth it. But, make sure you give it a chance first, whatever it may be.
I don't know what else to say. It's been a long week and a few things went wrong, but eventually they will find a way to work out. The weekend will be worth going through my long week. I am being visited by some of my favorite people, my mom, Ryan, and my dad. It's going to be good weather for the most part. Tomorrow and Saturday I am recording my movie again. Plus, I get some sleep without a silly alarm waking me up (That meansss I'll sleep to about 9 :P)
Oh, and I usually like to share things in my blog posts. So today, I'll share with you my favorite stop-motion video yet : ]
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I was happy, bored out of my mind, then incredibly stressed out.
The weather was happiness. I couldn't sit still in my photo history class. My video class was one giant fail. I have to shoot everything over again. -.- I basically spent 2 hours of that class attempting to convert videos but the effing program kept freezing on me.
Ugh. But by the end of the week I should have my new video shot, my photography project in progress, and a visit from my mother, father, and possibly Ryan : ]
By the way, I took a walk to the lake today, it still has snow on it :P
& I'm currently reading the book, Tis', and it is very entertaining.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Stuck in the middle with you.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
here today but forgotten tomorrow

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
One more post before sleep...

she's been on the road a short while. from pennsylvania. first was the new mexico rainbow gathering with two friends. hitching from stop to stop. then further; why not san francisco.
her friends aren't here now, but she says they're somewhere about. they've all been sleeping on the pavement nights. it's not too bad. and the cops don't hassle you as long as you stay out of the park.
she's not sure what's next, but it's been two months and she thinks she really should be getting home."
Prince Ali! Fabulous he! Ali Ababwa
1. Get a 3.0 GPA or higher this semester
2. Go to NC and visit family I haven't seen in years
3. Visit Brenda in the city AND Sam in NJ
4. Attempting poetry again
5. Actually pick up my guitar once a day and play for at least an hour
6. Explore digital photography more and learn how to use picture editing programs
7. Go to Warped Tour and find a way to get there that everyone is happy with
8. Find another job
9. Stop running away from my problems
10. Find a way to talk sanity into Melanie
If I do actually end up accomplishing any of these, I will check them off. I don't think I have a full checked off list yet... >.<
P.S. I did wake up with an Aladdin song stuck in my head. haha
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I get by, I get by...
I really like listening to calm songs. They make me think a lot and I like to pick out the meanings of songs that mean so much to me. I also like listening to loud and powerful songs. Music really helps me get though every day.
Friends and family mean everything. Each one of them made an impact on my life, and changed the way I think and view things. Some of them made a bigger impact then the others. But I wouldn't be who I am today with out them. They are pretty amazing people. If I ever introduce one of them to another, it's for a reason. It's because I want people to know that I've got this great person in my life, I also have you, which makes everything a whole lot better.
Reading and writing are my favorite things to do right now. If I am reading a good book I just get lost in it and don't pay attention to anything around me but the book. When a book makes me think differently, it's really saying something. I think those kind of books are the most amazing, the ones that make you think differently. And writing wise, I love doing that because it's the best way to express myself. And when I write songs and show them to friends and they say, I really like it. I'm like alright cool. But when someone goes, Jenna that was really good, and I like it because....When people give me reasons of liking things I like, it makes me feel so much better about things.
One of the things I don't like about myself is that I can get discouraged easily. I can also get sad a lot reason but never show it around people. I am good at that.
Right before I fall asleep and in the shower is when I think the most. I think of life, how my day went, relationships with friends, music, books, my cat in the sink, anything, really. Sometimes I even have to force myself to fall asleep because I would have so much on my mind.
I did pick up guitar the in 8th grade. I'm decent at it, I guess. My parents and friends can get amazed easily when I play something, even if it is so simple, but I never think of myself as THAT good.
I have nothing else to say right now, I wrote this because I just felt like writing. If you actually took the time to read my whole ramble, thanks."
That's it for now.