Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I get by, I get by...

Today, my mom actually allowed me to drive to Oneonta (30 min drive) and back alone since I've had my license. It took her 7 months to allow me to do that.
So basically, today I experienced a whole new freedom. I didn't have anyone over my shoulder analyzing my every move and spazing out if I do a little thing wrong. It was nice.

I have 3 more rolls of film I would like to shoot for photography.
So far, I have 3 shot of Ryan and Joe playing instruments. My light meter didn't like the lighting when I tired to shoot my first roll of film. So that film is probably all messed up. For my next two rolls I pushed my film which made things a lot easier.

I've wanted to do a series of musical instruments for a while since I pretty much love music. I'm glad I had Ryan and Joe to be my models and actually play the instruments. I wouldn't even think of taking pictures of people pretending to play instruments. That just takes the whole meaning out of it.
I still need one more series idea to work on at home while I have the chance. An idea will come to me eventually.
I feel like I'm writing a statement for my photography class.

What else...
Oh! Well, the other day I remembered a blog I posted on myspace and I would like to re-post it here. I wrote this about 3 years ago and it's just kind of interesting to see how I thought then and how I think now. It's very similar, actually...

"Being infinite, to me, is one of the best things in the world. Being guilty about it is another thing. So many things go on in this world, and a lot of people take it for granted. I would be so happy for no reason at all; maybe I did something useful in gym class, read an amazing book, or just took a walk. But with friends who have moved away, things that have happened in my life, and horrible things that have happened every day, I feel guilty about being so happy sometimes.

I really like listening to calm songs. They make me think a lot and I like to pick out the meanings of songs that mean so much to me. I also like listening to loud and powerful songs. Music really helps me get though every day.

Friends and family mean everything. Each one of them made an impact on my life, and changed the way I think and view things. Some of them made a bigger impact then the others. But I wouldn't be who I am today with out them. They are pretty amazing people. If I ever introduce one of them to another, it's for a reason. It's because I want people to know that I've got this great person in my life, I also have you, which makes everything a whole lot better.

Reading and writing are my favorite things to do right now. If I am reading a good book I just get lost in it and don't pay attention to anything around me but the book. When a book makes me think differently, it's really saying something. I think those kind of books are the most amazing, the ones that make you think differently. And writing wise, I love doing that because it's the best way to express myself. And when I write songs and show them to friends and they say, I really like it. I'm like alright cool. But when someone goes, Jenna that was really good, and I like it because....When people give me reasons of liking things I like, it makes me feel so much better about things.

One of the things I don't like about myself is that I can get discouraged easily. I can also get sad a lot reason but never show it around people. I am good at that.

Right before I fall asleep and in the shower is when I think the most. I think of life, how my day went, relationships with friends, music, books, my cat in the sink, anything, really. Sometimes I even have to force myself to fall asleep because I would have so much on my mind.

I did pick up guitar the in 8th grade. I'm decent at it, I guess. My parents and friends can get amazed easily when I play something, even if it is so simple, but I never think of myself as THAT good.

I have nothing else to say right now, I wrote this because I just felt like writing. If you actually took the time to read my whole ramble, thanks."

That's it for now.

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