For the past few days I have been playing an abnormal amount of Sims 3 and I've spent a few days in Tall Timbers.
Be prepared for a long blog filled with ranting and raving of the following subjects: Tall Timbers, my future/Sims 3, another list of 10 goals, and maybe some more.
Okay, Tall Timbers. I love the place it's just an extremely hard place to explain. Actually, I don't really go there for the place, I go there for the people. My family has been going there for years and years and I was just sucked into the tradition. I would go there a few times every summer with my dad, I even stayed for a whole month to work with kids in the Arts and Crafts cabin. Along the way we all made out share of friends there, most of them got along with each other (until now, but I will explain that later.)
I tend to remember a lot that has happened at Tall Timbers because there are few memories to look back on. I can recall certain conversations word by word or recall the same feelings I had when I really liked people there.
But now, years later from all the happy memories that we made a lot more often than we do now, people stopped going there, or stopped talking to each other, or are just growing up way to fast. I go there now and we have to avoid people to prevent arguments and drama, we have to beg family to meet us there like it should be. My grandparents aren't there anymore, they fled to North Carolina and they held the best bbqs and they kind of were the knot that held us all together for a while. Then again, some people and things haven't changed at all. For example, despite what people might say, I don't see a huge change in Jessica and Anthony they are still the same people, they are just in a relationship now. The environment hasn't changed. The adults trying to be teenagers and grinding at the dances haven't changed eaither.
I guess that we just have to take whatever Tall Timbers might throw to us next.
As I said earlier, I have been playing an abnormal amount of the computer game, Sims 3. I have been pretty much making my ideal life on a computer game, it's kind of sad.
I mean, it only takes a few days to have a baby, if only that could really happen. In real life, I would probably adopt despite every time I say that I manage to piss someone off (maybe I will have one kid someday, I don't know. I'm still 18, unlike little 15 year olds who want to get pregnant to stay with their boyfriends, I am still too young to think about it.) I am a successful journalist who paints and writes books on the side married to my musician of a husband, Ryan, with two kids, Zoey and Max.
Of course, time seems to go by too fast in this game. It's one of the few factors of the game that really freaks me out because well, time can go that fast for actual human beings as well if they don't pay attention to the rest of their lives.
Sims 3 then leads me to my future and what the freak I want to do with my life.
I am going to college for photography and once and a while...maybe more than that, I question if I should stick with photography orrr what am I really doing with my life? I honestly have no idea. I love photography, sure, I can't really see myself doing anything else except something with writing, hence my minor being journalism. Maybe I will change my minor to something English again or something to do with writing and take a journalism class as well.
I have multiple plans for my future. This is my idea job: Working/managing a photo studio. I would like that to be my full-time job, if I can find somewhere to station that and actually make some money. If not, I can be an adjunct professor on the side, do some documentary work, work in a book store, or run right into the photojournalism path. Who knows?
I guess it really depends on my location and if years and years from now I can still pull out concept ideas for future photos hoots. I will have to see if I can actually pull off studio photography, if I can't I am definitely screwed.
From my future, I roll right into where am I going to live?
Honestly? I just watched two of Michael Moore's films and I don't want to live in America anymore. I mean, if sometime in the next few years America decides to take notes from rather than look down upon other counties, maybe we would be somewhat decent. But, no, the whole system is corrupt. I am so afraid for my future, you have no idea. What if I manage to completely break like 15 bones in my body or something and since I will be a broke photographer, I won't be able to afford the operations let alone my health care in general. Right now, I envy other countries (if you don't know what I mean then please watch the movie, "Sicko"). I would really like to live in Canada or England. But if I live in Canada it would be easier for me to visit family. See? I've got it somewhat planned out.
For now, I'm observing/working as an assistant at a photo studio over the summer (with Jack Cole, some of you might know him). I'll be seeing the Dave Matthews Band on Saturday, next Wednesday I'll be 19, I'll be going to NC soon enough, I will be working at Camp HERE again in July, I mow my dad's lawn every week.
I also planned a photo shoot for tomorrow. It's a concept revolving around my batman cape again except my model is a girl this time. I am kind of excited, I hope it doesn't downpour on us.
Do I know what I am doing? No. But I will wing it and hope for the best.
Okay, here is my old list of 10 goals. I've checked off what I have accomplished.
1. Get a 3.0 GPA or higher this semester ✔
2. Go to NC and visit family I haven't seen in years (probably this summer)
3. Visit Brenda in the city AND Sam in NJ (I'm going to the city this summer)
4. Attempting poetry again (I should, I should, I shoulddd!)
5. Actually pick up my guitar once a day and play for at least an hour ✔ (basically)
6. Explore digital photography more and learn how to use picture editing programs ✔ (kind of...)
7. Go to Warped Tour and find a way to get there that everyone is happy with (nope >.<)
8. Find another job ✔
9. Stop running away from my problems ✔ (basically)
10. Find a way to talk sanity into Melanie ✔ (she's getting slightly better)
2. Go to NC and visit family I haven't seen in years (probably this summer)
3. Visit Brenda in the city AND Sam in NJ (I'm going to the city this summer)
4. Attempting poetry again (I should, I should, I shoulddd!)
5. Actually pick up my guitar once a day and play for at least an hour ✔ (basically)
6. Explore digital photography more and learn how to use picture editing programs ✔ (kind of...)
7. Go to Warped Tour and find a way to get there that everyone is happy with (nope >.<)
8. Find another job ✔
9. Stop running away from my problems ✔ (basically)
10. Find a way to talk sanity into Melanie ✔ (she's getting slightly better)
Here is my new list:
1. To expand my vocabulary. Learn new words every day. I barely remember what I learned in high school, time to start again.
2. Continue with future photo shoots and always try to think of new ideas and concepts.
3. To have an awesome summer with little drama as possible.
4. To get Ryan to Tall Timbers with my for 4th of July weekend, or river rafting!
5. Force myself to practice drawing and painting even tho I will suck at both.
6. Keep being the book worm that I am.
7. Be a successful studio assistant for the two weeks I actually am working and learn from every minute of it.
9. Attempt to spend equal time with all friends. Oh, if only they all got along -.-
8. Spend more time outside, the computer is overrated!
10. Keep playing that music, music, music!
Okayy, I'm done, sorry for the extra large blog today.. :P
i liked this post :) I like the idea of writing down 10 goals for yourself. I feel like I should do that but I don't think I will. I think that "starting a list of goals" is goal number 1!