Wednesday, April 21, 2010

At this point, I could read forever.

Sometimes I like to ignore my life and get lost in books.

I laugh at the humor that's presented to me, smirk when something cute happens, cry when something terribly depressing happens, and basically, feel what the characters feel.

Sometimes I much rather be in the world of the book I am reading than my own world. That's always happened in my head. Sometimes I picture my life as a book or a movie and wonder if anyone would feel the same if my life was a story written in words. Who knows?

It's just one of those ways to escape my own reality.
Sometimes I just feel the need to do that, even if I am having the best day ever.

Reading is just one of my methods to escape reality. Music and writing are my other two ways. Then sleeping is the natural way. With all of these things, I barely notice the passing of time, which is actually great for me. I have this habit of looking at my watch every few minutes because I have to know what time it is and I tend to be paranoid about being late for things almost all the time. My alarm clock is set almost every day, it is really rare when I don't wake up to it in the mornings, even on weekends. I'm a robot. I have schedules for everything planned out in my head and tend to make plans that fail all the time. Time basically runs my life, and plenty of other lives as well. It is immensely nice to take a break from that.

Another thing I like to do is sit at a quiet lake or pond for as long as I need to and just think. I reflect on whatever happened that day, two months ago, 5 years ago. All of my thoughts are connected in some weird messed up way. Sometimes I wonder how I get to such random thoughts and I would have to trace back to what I started thinking about first to understand where that random thought came from.

If you haven't noticed already, I over think things, all the time. It could be a good thing or a bad thing I suppose. I tend to question anything and everything. I don't know what else to say...

That's why getting lost in time is so appealing to me. I don't have to listen to the outside world. I can focus on making myself happy and content rather than doing things for other people. don't get me wrong, I love helping other people. I just don't give myself a whole lot of time to do what I want.

This blog would have been a lot better if I didn't have to go to class in between writing it...
It was a bad rant.

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