1. I want to write a book someday.
2. I was asked the other day how I have so much energy all the time. I honestly don't know the answer to that question.
3. I'm deeply afraid of losing people to death.
4. Lately, I've been comparing my surroundings to things related to my family. Tall Timbers, Easter, Christmas, Long Island, NC, etc. I guess I'm just deprived of a lot of my cousins.
5. I'm apparently movie deprived.
6. I have the weirdest, craziest dreams ever. I will explain them to you if you ask.
7. I'm afraid of staple guns and won't let bumble bees get to close to me because of a dream I had as a kid involving the both of them.
8. I love pizza.
9. Whenever I hear ska music I find it impossible to stand still.
10. I have a habit of shaking my foot, tapping my foot, or something causing me to never be able to sit still.
11. I think it's amusing when guys are surprised that I can pick them up.
12. Sometimes I find myself annoying and wonder how people can deal with me. Sometimes I actually like the way I am.
13. Even though I am a optimistic for some people, I can be pretty pessimistic towards myself.
14. I wish I still played guitar like I used to, I lack the motivation now.
15. I wish I could pull a Back to the Future and drive 88 miles and time travel. I want to experience almost every era.
16. I find it hard to actually be mean to people. I am terrible at insults.
17. I wish I was better at memorizing things. I don't remember half of the vocab words I learned in high school English, or in Spanish. I don't remember most things science and history related. Math is just a lost cause. I did horrible on the SATs. It wasn't until college that I realized I am a visual person.
18. I really really really really hope I can play guitar on stage with Green Day someday. It's a huge wish, one out of a few thousand, but it's possible.
19. When I run outside in the morning around 6am I always think the people who are wandering the streets are sleepwalking and zombieish. I tend to run faster when I run past them.
20. I never cry in public unless I'm at a funeral.

KEVIN!! that was a great read and seeing kevin made me smile!