I really think people should stop to think about what's going on with the rest of the world and other's people's lives, conditions, and situations rather than being caught up in theirs all the time.
Today, I went to another lecture that opened my eyes even more than they were before.
I like being aware of other things going on in the world.
A lot of people just went to this lecture because it was a requirement for one of their classes. Some people actually appreciated it, others couldn't wait for it to be over. I just wish that even though some people might not want to be there or they completely dread the whole lecture, they would just take the time to listen and absorb what the speaker was saying.
I'm not saying the people who chose not to listen are bad people, or that they are ignorant teenagers who only care about their own lives, I'm just saying that someday reality should slap them in the face.
Jen Marlowe was the speaker. She's a filmmaker, a writer, and someone who travels the world to experience and see what other families, cultures, and countries are going through. She's quite the extraordinary person. Not the person I would call a hero, or someone as she quotes "who gives a voice to the voiceless." She's someone who informs America and several other parts of the world what's going on, what people should be aware of, she's really an inspiration.
Every time I watch one of these lectures, I find them to be incredibly inspiring. I really think Cazenovia is actually good at picking out amazing and interesting people from the wide range of photographers, lectures, film makers, journalists and inviting them to speak here. I appreciate it, a lot.
Ever since the beginning of the semester I have developed an interest in documentary photography. Soon, when I have the time, I will watch more films. But for now, I have listened to a lot of people talk about the subject and it really makes me want to be someone who writes, takes pictures of, and makes film out of what is going on in the world instead of just staging pictures and creating a false reality. (Even though, creating a false reality/fantasy would be something I would like to do as well. I just think the messages of documentaries are so much more powerful.)
Even though seeing what's going on in the world is harsh, unexpected, and sometimes hard to believe. Despite what you might convince yourself, it is going on. It is worth taking note of and considering. It's worth thinking about every day and trying to find a way to help out. I think it's better to be aware of these things then being completely sheltered. It may not be the happy way around life, but it does make you appreciate what you have...hopefully...
Anyway, I expected this rant to be a whole lot better.
I had it planned out in my head and then I was distracted by Family Guy.
Maybe better blogs will come along later in the week...
P.S. I didn't know what picture to include with this blog. So, I posted a nifty picture I found on flickr.
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